
Copyright: MAZEWA 2020
Copyright: MAZEWA 2020

Hillersche Villa is a sociocultural center in the German-Polish-Czech border region. Through a combination of cultural involvement and social commitment, it enables people to participate and to be active citizens, thus strengthening democratic development in the region.


Hillersche Villa - Soziokultur im Dreiländereck - STARTSEITE


Copyright: MAZEWA 2020
Copyright: MAZEWA 2020

The Zittau Jewish Cemetery is an exceptional place in an exceptional environment: built and maintained by a small yet thriving Jewish community, defiled and partly destroyed during the Shoah, neglected and violated in the following decades, and mostly forgotten by the local population in the German-Polish-Czech border region. While most traces of Jewish life in the town of Zittau have vanished, the cemetery still exists and has preserved Jewish cultural heritage, mostly in the shape of many a “Mazewa” − traditional headstones.

With MAZEWA, we will approach one of the last authentic historical spaces of Jewish life in the region as a place of digital learning and remembrance. Young volunteers from all over Europe will work with methods of heritage interpretation and digital mapping, bringing the Jewish cemetery into the digital age. The cultural events highlight different aspects of Jewish everyday life, past and present.



Hillersche Villa gGmbH

Klieneberger Platz 1

02763 Zittau


phone: +49 3583 779633

mail: netzwerkstatt@hillerschevilla.de


Mo-Fr 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr



MAZEWA ist ein Projekt der Hillersche Villa gGmbH in Kooperation mit Vereinigung junger Freiwilliger Vjf e.V., European Heritage Volunteers,  Hatikva e.V. in Dresden, der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Dresden, der jüdischen Gemeinde in Liberec, Besht Yeshiva Dresden e.V. und der Stadt Zittau.
MAZEWA wird im Rahmen des Programms "JUGEND erinnert" gefördert durch die Stiftung „Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft“ (EVZ) und das Auswärtige Amt.